Thoughts to share received in prayer and study of the word

Archive for the ‘America’ Category

Like, What?

likeIt’s been a while since I’ve written and I find these days a hesitation to write. It seems as if everyone is so bold today about sharing their opinions and perspectives. I miss the days when people purposed to listen rather than to blare out their thoughts and practiced the ART of discretion. So here I am, blaring out my thoughts, but on the very subject that this entails.

I’ve noticed recently that people are living their lives by what they do or do not “like”. The difficulty in this is that one’s opinions can change as often as they receive new information or data to add to their theories. My husband always encouraged our children in their school-age years not to worry about who liked them on any given day, because by the next day that would change.

The verb like as defined in the Webster’s is:

Definition of like, liked, liking

  1. transitive verb
  2. chiefly dialectal : to be suitable or agreeable to I like onions but they don’t like me

  3.  to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : enjoy- likes baseball                       to feel toward :  regard – how would you like a change

  4.  to wish to have :  want –  would like a drink

  5.  to do well in this plant likes dry soil my car does not like cold weather

  6. intransitive verb
  7. dialect :  approve

  8. to feel inclined :  choose, prefer leave any time you like

And used in sentences:

  1. He likes baseball, but he loves football.

  2. Do you like Mexican food?

  3. I liked the movie a lot more than I thought I would.

  4. I don’t know what it is about that guy, but I just don’t like him.

  5. They were political allies who truly liked each other.

  6. What is it that you like or dislike about him most?

  7. She says she likes him as a friend but she’s not attracted to him.

  8. My boss was a tough guy, but I liked him for his honesty


Notice that all of these choices reflect emotions that can change in an instant. I believe the better way is to choose to live by what is moral, ethical, conscientious and right. This view serves the whole of humanity, not the purpose of one. This view is God’s plan for all of us, from the beginning to the end, whether or not one is able like or believe that He is there. This view makes way for us to enjoy one another to a greater degree, live peaceably, let go of anger, and find joy. It brings us back to the ability to just “be” and stop trying so hard to “prove”. With all of the stress, anxiety, turmoil and chaos in life, this seems to me to be so much more desirable. I think I like it.



I’m not much of one to rant, though I’d like to share an experience I had today. I had a conversation with someone that left me feeling sad and ashamed of what I see that we as a society have become. Whatever happened to courtesy, respect and just being kind?

This person was pretty beaten down by all of the rude and obnoxious behavior that has taken place this election year, and expressing how tiring and frustrating it is to deal with people who want to cast blame, force opinions and vent.  Though I understand everyone has different motives, I do agree.

There is such a big difference between standing firm in your convictions and trying to harass and intimidate others into believing the same things that you do. What many complain has happened in Christianity through judgmental, holier than others, and superior to all behavior has now crept into the rest of the world. Some would say the world brought it to the church, but I don’t think so. I think it came with mutual consent. We think that because we have been given a podium and a microphone through technology like email, social media, and video recording that it means that everyone out there not only wants to but NEEDS to hear our every thought and opinion. And then if they have the nerve to disagree, by golly we are going to set them straight, because all men are created equal, not individual. How crass, and how arrogant. Simply rude.

I’m an old-fashioned girl, I guess, because I still believe strongly in thinking the best of others and as my husband would say, loving them for who they are even if I don’t like who they are. In other words, it’s my duty in life to love all of mankind, though I am not required to agree with every thought, every bent and every mindset. I am free to choose what I believe, so why should I try to force others and take that freedom from them? I can hope to express my thoughts in such a way that perhaps others might see wisdom or rationality in my values, and then perhaps I can learn from the wisdom and rationality in some of theirs. We may even meet in the middle regarding some topics. But if we don’t, I am going to choose to be kind anyway. It makes life so much simpler than having to be angry at and hate everyone, raising ire and blood pressure and stress in my life, creating chaos and war with family and friends alike.

I miss the days when people used discretion, held their tongue, waiting for the right time and the right place to discuss issues with others, and for the sake of decency and civility, chose words like, “I disagree because”, “I understand, but what if” and “do you think”. I miss laughing at our shortcomings, telling stories and jokes, and having fun in the simplest of ways. I miss songs like, “We Are the World” and “I’m Proud to be an American”. I miss sitting on the front steps with your neighbors and watching the neighborhood kids at play. I miss honor and integrity. I miss love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control. I miss nice.

Be nice. Behave. Please.




ForestA word of wisdom from my dear cousin!


At Christmastime, when I was a boy, my dad understood the relative poverty of his children, so he would give us each a small amount of money to be spent on gifts for the other family members.  What was a small amount to him was a small fortune to us, so we each happily shopped with Mom and picked out trinkets and treasures for our siblings and parents.  Wrapping the gifts was fun, but the best part was the excited anticipation we had for Christmas morning when the family would partake in what we children had built in our minds to be the Olympics of giving and receiving.  It was as good as it gets, and after all the unwrapping, and showing, and laughing, and modelling, and cheering, and thanking, we all felt richer and more blessed than we were before.  But it was Dad and Mom, I think, who…

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Insight from 1965

Very sobering. How little did he know how his words would ring true.

Paul Harvey 1965


I’ve discovered a truth that has been inside of me since the dawn of time without my being aware that it was there. The reality that it has always been there does not escape me now, but the awakening just recently to this heartfelt revelation has been a journey slowly made through many blind curves without really knowing the destination. I kept seeing an obscure form of it ahead of me, but my mind could not bring the clarity needed to fully comprehend what should have been so easily understood. And suddenly, a click and everything changed. My eyes opened wider to the truth and the dawning of this revelation has filled me to overflowing. Thus here it is, so clearly laid out before me and I am giddy about it, joyful, yet bewildered at how it could have possibly taken me so long to understand. And, you may ask, what is this truth? It is the crest of the hill that opens your eyes to a panorama before you that causes you to take in your breath, be still, exhale slowly and smile. It may surprise some that what to them has always been so clear has just occurred to me, and others will still say, “I don’t get it.” Nevertheless, I stand with arms wide open as the curtain is drawn, and if you will look carefully you will see as I see that – life is all about relationships. Tada!! Whoopee, you say, I’ve known all along and what’s the matter with you that you just figured that out? My response must be – I haven’t a clue. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I suddenly understand that I just don’t want to be too busy anymore. I don’t want life to be all about how much I can get done in a day or how many places I can be at once. I have revisited recently the value of time with others and building relationships with friends, family and those I love. It has become my passion and my fuel. A chat online, an evening on the porch, a call or a visit, a family day and a suddenly are all things that now cause me to be stirred and to thrive. My Nana days have become the high point of my week. Where I used to live to work, I find myself working to live. In other words, my focus has changed. Isaiah 49:17-19 in the Good News Translation (GNT) says, “Those who will rebuild you are coming soon, and those who destroyed you will leave. Look around and see what is happening! Your people are assembling—they are coming home! As surely as I am the living God, you will be proud of your people, as proud as a bride is of her jewels.”
I noticed a few leaves falling off the trees the other day and although melancholy that summer may soon fade, I’m excited to see what this next season brings.